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User Friendly and Cost Effective School Management Software
The SchoolWise Student Information System brings together Web based and server technology in one complete cost-effective software solution. Created specifically for California schools from the ground up, our user-friendly interface has been designed from the busy school secretary's point of view.
Full featured student, family and staff database specifically designed for California Public Schools
- Unlimited telephone and screen sharing support
Web-based Teacher Gradebooks (Letter and Standards Based) are integated with the SIS database meaning no importing and exporting teacher grades for report cards and/or progress reports
Web-based Classroom Attendance
Web-based Parent/Student Portal
Web-based Parent Alert telephone, text and email messaging notification system
Over 2000 pre-built reports and file exports with no cost or low cost customization
Complete CALPADS file extracts and support
Integrated Cafeteria Point of Sale, Meal Tracking and Accounting
Afterschool Program and billing support
Staff Attendance
SchoolWise is one of the least expensive fully featured Student Information Systems in California, and a perfect fit for smaller districts and Independent Charters.
SchoolWise is 100% Compliant with
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