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User Friendly and Cost Effective School Management Software

Online Meal & Afterschool Payments
This is an extension to the parent portal, enabling parents to pay their students’ meal balances online via credit/debit card or ACH payments. It is integrated with the SchoolWise point of sale system. It will also be integrated with the parent alert system, allowing schools to send balance notices to parents through email and/or text message.
SchoolWise provides secure Online Parent Payment of Lunch Fees & viewing meal balances in the Parent Portal.

SchoolWise comes bundled with a fully intergrated Meal Scanning and POS System to help you keep track of your schools' cafeteria needs. The Meal System automatically calculates meal prices based on Free/Reduced program enrollment and bills accordingly. It also has pricing for Staff and Worker meals.
The Meal accounting program has been setup to support Online Bill pay and allow for tracking of any changes for audit purposes. SchoolWise makes it simple to Accept Payments, transfer balances between siblings & Deduct fees/expenses. The ability to add Unlimted Meal Items; (A' La Carte, Snacks, Milk, Fruit) is a great way to keep track of meals served.

The Meal System also includes a Hot Lunch Pre-Order form that can be filled out while attendance is taken in the morning. Schools find this to be an invaluable tool to help manage hot lunch accounting.
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