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User Friendly and Cost Effective School Management Software
The SchoolWise Web-Based Teacher Gradebook system runs on PCs, Macs, iPads, Chrome Books, etc. The GradeBook supports Letter Grade and Standards based grading systems. It also handles Teacher Attendance recording & Lunch counts! When grades are entered into our GradeBook they are immediately stored in the SchoolWise database there is no upload/download syncronization between the grade book and the student information system, as is the case with all third party grade books.

Web based Attendance, Standardized & Letter Grades, Parent Portal & Teacher Messaging
Know how Every Student is doing
in Every Class at All Times.

(A-F) Letter-Grade Gradebook
As soon as class sections are established in the school office system, the teacher’s gradebooks automatically synchronize with the current class enrollments. When new students enroll or others exit, those changes are immediately reflected in the gradebooks. Teachers always have up-to-date rosters.
At the end of the term (quarter, trimester, or semester), teachers click a button and all of the final grades automatically populate the report card system and can be printed. To the right is an example of one of the dozens of available layouts for report cards.

Our gradebook is similar to other teacher gradebooks with one main distinction: class rosters auto-populate!

The Standards Based Gradebook and Report Card System is for use
primarily in elementary schools using Common Core Standards.
Standards are 100% customizable for every grade level.

No More trouble with importing/exporting from Third Party gradebook software!
Attendance Form
Teachers can record attendance in the classroom from both gradebooks.

Meal Counts Form
The meal counts form is for ordering lunches from the classroom in the morning. The cafeteria then gets a merged meal count for either the school or district.

The Parent-Student Portal is included with the Online Gradebook. Parents and students can create web portal accounts with a unique security code they receive from the district and then be able to log into the Web-Based Parent-Student Portal. After logging into their web portal, Parents will find a list of all of their children in the district.
Students will see only their own records.
Very intuitive and easy to use features:
Class Schedule
Gradebook Marks (live progress report with average marks and assignment details)
Report Cards
Attendance summary
School Calendar
Teacher Messaging System (send messages between teachers/parents/students.

Parents can
scores online
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